Sunday, May 4, 2014

Grateful~ Equality parenting

As I sit here with the ability to update all my blogs, while my kids are being entertained by their father.  I am so grateful for a partner who is willing to meet the societal norm halfway.

For thousand of years~ Women were the primary caretaker of the children.

Today we live in a time where both parents normally need to work a job to keep things going.

For my partner and I , we tried that and it almost tore us apart....

Before becoming parents, we were always together. Work, sleep, adventure.

For almost two years we had to be separated on completely different schedules~ Financial struggles from our past financial problems kept being another weight on the relationship.

But recently I have rediscovered an alternative to working a job for some one else.

Because of the internet, and its infinite potential~ We now have a playground of self employment opportunities. 

So I've been setting up a non-profit group~ dedicated to informing people.

In this case: The Cosmic Soup Project Where I'm hoping all my talented friends and family will learn how to employ themselves~ And enjoy some extra streams of income at the very least for doing what it is they love.

My husband has equally been  participating with his skills: Cooking, Woodworking and are hoping to have some fun themed get together with friends.

For now~ We're learning all about this equality and self governance stuff.

I am grateful to have a partner who is willing to learn and understand.

For all the men out there who do just as much work~ Thank you!

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